Backyard Baseball Amir Khan


  1. Boxer Amir Khan
Backyard Baseball Amir Khan

Boxer Amir Khan

Backyard Baseball Amir KhanBackyard Baseball Amir Khan
09-30-2017, 04:19 PM #4

OVR: 0
Re: Return to the Playground: Backyard Baseball 2001

Coach Captfalc here to give you a rundown of the squad before the season.
Alex 'A-Rod' Rodriguez
Batting 7/Running 9/Pitching 3/Fielding 9
Alex is a real student of the game. He watches film
from every single at-bat to see how he can improve
his swing. He's already a top MLB prospect at 12 years old.
Achmed 'Axeman' Khan
Batting 10/Running 7/Pitching 2/Fielding 5
Achmed is never seen without his headphones and
he prefers to use his bat as a guitar. When he gets the
right song to play during his at-bat he can blast any pitch
out of the park.
Ernie 'Funny Bones' Steele
Batting 5/Running 6/Pitching 7/Fielding 10
A well-rounder player who can hit, pitch, and run.
Ernie's biggest strength is his glove and can field
anything throw to him at first base. Although if you
asked Ernie, he'd say his biggest strength is his jokes.
Derek 'DJ' Jeter
Batting 8/Running 9/Pitching 3/Fielding 10
His nickname really should be 'Clutch' since he always
seems to pull through. DJ dreams to play shortstop for the
New York Yankees and just might get there, as long as he
finishes his homework first.
Dante 'Stretch' Robinson
Batting 4/Running 9/Pitching 5/Fielding 7
Dante's favorite past-time is eating. He always a snack
ready to go, especially when he's playing centerfield.
Despite eating more often than breathing, he can
still whirl around the base paths.
Pablo 'Secret Weapon' Sanchez
Batting 10/Running 9/Pitching 5/Fielding 10
Pablo isn't much of a secret anymore. A combination of
Ricky Henderson, Willie Mays, and Reggie Jackson
rolled into one. Maybe the only thing he can't do is speak English.
Luanne 'Lulu' Lui
Batting 6/Running 10/Pitching 9/Fielding 7
Lulu keeps her best friend 'Teddy' with her at all times. She
prefers to pitch so she can keep Teddy safe in her glove. She's
not the best pitcher, but has the nastiest 'fireball' in the league.
Amir 'Sticks' Khan
Batting 7/Running 6/Pitching 9/Fielding 4
Amir is always close by to his brother, Achmed. While he's not
quite the hitter his brother is, he's more in tune with the game.
He prefers to bat after Achmed and hates not to be on his team.
Pete 'Wheelie' Wheeler
Batting 8/Running 10/Pitching 2/Fielding 7
Pete swings at just about every pitch, but when he makes
contact he can spray it all over the field. His speed makes him
a threat to reach on anything, even hits right at the first baseman.
LopaKa likes this.
  1. Jun 18, 2018  Future iterations of Backyard Sports games allow you to pick athletes to play with the kids, but Backyard Baseball has none of that nonsense. I don’t want my nine-year-old kid playing with Barry.
  2. Sep 05, 2009 Amir is the brother of Achmed. He basically has the same personality, but he plays differently. He is basically a weaker and faster version of Achmed.

Amir Khan is a reoccurring playable character in the Backyard Sports series. His brother Achmed is also a playable character. Alone, Amir is a pretty decent player. Put him on a team with his brother Achmed, and he's a little powder keg.